
A custom charting program I coded for some personal projects. The application is built using Swift, with its rendering capabilities boosted by Metal acceleration. As a result, the program can dynamically render over a million candles in real-time.


A collection of visualizations, simulations and fractals I did over the year 2022. I was fascinated by simple math formulas that produce a complex structure. I started with exploring the Mandelbrot Set and ended up in learning Metal to speed up my simulations. 


Model computer with pseudo assembler. It is built like a Von-Neumann-Rechner (VNR) that compiles a given mnemonic assembler source code and executes the commands. The user can choose from different execution and animation modes.

Adaptation for MacOS

Filter Beats

Filter Beats is an app that automatically creates playlists based on user selected filters out of more than 80 million songs.

Filter Beats is my first commercial app in the App Store.


Sorting algorithms are standard programming tasks every programmer gets confronted with. I couldn’t find a dedicated program that visualizes the operation of different sorting algorithms at one place. ViSort allows you to choose from different algorithms, set the array size, generation type (random, reversed, almost sorted, sorted) and the execution speed.

Volume Wheel

In 2022 I started programming apps with Swift using SwiftUI. I was looking for a simple but useful app to learn the process to get an app into the Apple Appstore. Volume Wheel was the outcome, an useful and handy way to change the volume of your device precisely by turning a wheel. 



Video Downloader

An Application to automatically download m3u8 playlist videos fast from the browser and convert them to mp4.

Swift Replace

A purpose-built app built for efficient text editing. Find and replace operations can be accomplished across various file types, such as LaTeX and code, with a clean interface. The app’s visual highlights provide a clear overview of modifications, while selective control allows for nuanced edits. 

Chart Playlist

The app lets the user select a year, then returns a playlist with the charts of that year and saves it to the user’s Spotify account. The intent of the project was to learn how to combine the powers of Python and Swift. An API written in Python webscrapes the charts of the year and returns it to the application. 


Video Downloader

An Application to automatically download mp4 and m3u8 videos fast from the browser